Changes in the FIQR

FIQR / SIQR scoring


FIQR Calculator


SIQR Calculator

FIQR Questions

Provider's Office

Interpretation of FIQR

FIQR 2009 publication

FIQR / SIQR review

FIQR and FIQ references

License to use FIQR







                                    Interpretation of FIQR results

One can get an estimate of FM severity and impact from the value of total FIQR score

The average FIQR score is 58.2 (± 21.6), with a median value of 60

The quartile ranges are:


These values are derived from the following distribution of total FIQR scores in 308 FM patients



The 3 sub- scores of the FIQR; functional effect of FM, overall of FM and individual symptoms of FM are provided in addition to the total FIQR score when the FIQR calculator is used.

The mean values for the sub-scores, taken from the original FIQR paper are:

    Function - 15.6 (± 7.7), range 0 - 30

    Overall - 11.0 (± 5.4), range 0 - 20

    Symptoms - 30 (± 8.8), range 0 - 50